I have so much to tell, so much to say, so much to do, so much to realize and I'm still doing things the same way. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Just hope to record the things I still enjoy most and while I can. One day I will lift my head high and say I'm not the one before =) P/S: I learn something in french class...c'est la vie!
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve @ Geographer Cafe, Malacca

This is the 1st time I ever participated in a countdown. I'm always being the one who listens to the stories told by the people who were actually there! Well, there is always the first time =) This was my 1st. Its was for Christmas. Although I don't celebrate Christmas but I simply just can't be excluded from all the fun from the Christmas Countdown at Geographer Cafe. Before I show you all the actions during the countdown >.< I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (Better late than never.lol)  and a Happy New Year~

Dedicated to all my blog readers =)

This is the Geographer I was mentioning. I found out that there is quite a number of foreigners hangout here most of the time when I happen to be around there.

Well, let me introduce to you what is the best part about countdown! Lots and lots of people, alcohol, joy and serious laughing >.< Seriously serious laughing. Will let you know further down the post.

Heineken. Actually I don't fancy alcohol much but since its my 1st countdown~ I must fancy it! ^^,

P/S: I only drank a bottle and not more than that >.< Seriously~
In my 1st countdown itself I get to know two new friends. I must say, they are one heck of a joker.
P/S: you really don't want to be their target >.< 
Nevertheless its really fun to have them around. At least I get to laugh my head of me =)

Kelson on the left and Nic on the right with the "target" Huey Min in the middle >.<


Another hardworking photographer shooting ^^,

How could I leave without a picture with you~~~

It was not my idea to make such faces 0=)

Besides Christmas presents there is something else which will make your day up. check it you below~

Astonishing unbelievable~~~

Just look at the crowd

When there is a crowd there must be fun. As the saying goes. Where there is sweet there tend to be ants~

Let the party begin!!!

Well it must be a "decent" way of wishing Merry Christmas~
That's all folks for today's post! Stay tune for the New Year celebration!!! Hooray!


jfook said...

Wow looks fun. =D

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