Sharing is caring. I have done a set of past year and I do wish to share it with everyone. Its my own answers. I upload this upon my own will and will delete it prior notice. Please do take note that Question 2 and 5 have minor bugs but its still sufficient to complete the task.
09/10 ECP 4136 Solution
(remember to sign-in your google account before download)
Please share it with your friends taking this subject as well.
P/S: This is as a reference only. Thanks and best of regards.
I have so much to tell, so much to say, so much to do, so much to realize and I'm still doing things the same way. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Just hope to record the things I still enjoy most and while I can. One day I will lift my head high and say I'm not the one before =) P/S: I learn something in french class...c'est la vie!
Click the links in Twitter on the right side of my blog for latest promotions!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
You just wanna pinch their cheeks!
Flip through my collections of photos, I came across a few pictures. These pictures are all kids. Looking at them reminds of me how naive I was once at their age. Have a look! Cute eh?
Lady in PINK! (Oops...Kid in Pink~) =P
This little girl over here was having bad mood. Every picture I snap she gives me this expression =.=
This ah boy really >.< won't simply let people hug!
Cunning little boy. You really need to spend some time to "woo" him for just a hug!
Aiseh.Paiseh Pulak >.<
She wanted a candy and I wanted a picture >.< Deal or no deal? Haha
Owh where could it be? T.T
This little boy was scanning the sushi belt for more sushi. His acts made me wanted to snap! lol
Eat slowly lo >.<
She is one cute little girl. I remember snapping her picture and she told her dad that someone is taking her picture. Paiseh le me >.<

Friday, September 17, 2010
How pure is your petrol?
My car just got serviced about a month ago. One day, the car started to sound strange and its coming from the front engine. Weird I though at 1st, my car just got serviced not long ago. The strange sound repeats everytime I accelerate the car up-hill or I try to take over another. The sounds irritates me and made me worried. I decided to bring it back to the service center again.
To my dismal, the car is fine says the technician. He said that the problems lies with the petrol u feed the car. I was shocked to hear this and I recalled that before the day the strange sound started, I had my car refueling in a petrol station which I had never done refueling before. The technician suggest that the petrol my car is using had been mixed with water. He suggested that I finished the tank and refuel in a familiar petrol station which I normally do.
Amazing! The strange sound is no longer there. The technician advice never to refuel in that station again! Beware of dishonest petrol stations around you! You may be the next victim
To my dismal, the car is fine says the technician. He said that the problems lies with the petrol u feed the car. I was shocked to hear this and I recalled that before the day the strange sound started, I had my car refueling in a petrol station which I had never done refueling before. The technician suggest that the petrol my car is using had been mixed with water. He suggested that I finished the tank and refuel in a familiar petrol station which I normally do.
Amazing! The strange sound is no longer there. The technician advice never to refuel in that station again! Beware of dishonest petrol stations around you! You may be the next victim
daily info

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Snacks time!
Went to Tesco today for "snacks shopping". Even though its a public holiday today, Tesco is ever crowded >.<
The main point for today's post:
Sunsweet play quite an important role in my life >.< (big word for a small snack. haha) Why do I say so? It helps you to get ride smelly "objects" aka poops from your body. My conclusion of delicious and healthy snack: Sunsweet!
The main point for today's post:
My breakfast, my tea-break and my mouth itching prunes~
Choosing snacks is hard though, you just don't know which to buy (delicious and healthy). Wanted to buy junk food but since its exam week so have to sacrifice it for another week T.T
Of all the snacks I bought I wanted to introduce the most is Sunsweet.
Sunsweet play quite an important role in my life >.< (big word for a small snack. haha) Why do I say so? It helps you to get ride smelly "objects" aka poops from your body. My conclusion of delicious and healthy snack: Sunsweet!
daily info,

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Tea@Jing-Si Books and Cafe, Tzu Chi
Just discovered an relaxing place to have coffee or tea. Plus, you'll get to read books for free too! Not to be forgotten that it had a very relaxing atmosphere and surrounding. Its called Jing-Si Books and cafe. You can find it almost every branches of Tzu Chi foundation Malaysia. Here's the link for the addresses around you neighborhood: Jing-Si Books and Cafe
Here's some pictures of the place ^^,
Here's some pictures of the place ^^,
The floor is parquet!
Picture of the day!
The price of the drinks are lower compared to the likes of Coffee bean and Starbucks. It reminds me of something, the lady who serves us teaches me how to enjoy the chinese tea. Enlightened >.< Conclusion: Nice environment, cool drinks, and "okok" price. You actually can buy some souvenirs though. I bought mine below:
Jing Si Aphorism Cards
Why you need to skip class?
Yes, I'm giving you reasons to skip your class. Instead of encouraging you to go for you classes, I'm providing you reasons why you need to skip you class. I used to be a normal guy who goes to each and every one of his class. My attendance is 100% since the early of the semester until the end of the semester. Yes, sounds very geeky right? Now, why you someone like me (a guy with 100% attendance) would like to skip class? (think think)
Reasons are simple, have a look down:
1. The subject's syllabus is repeating those you took before.
Well, repeating syllabus happens most of the time especially when you are an engineering student. Every semester you would have the same old familiar content in you lecture slides. Seriously speaking, its very boring repeating those things which you have mastered in the earlier semesters. Why waste time on something that you already know? You can have studies other new things using those times. Conclusion number 1: Skip it!
2. "Fantastic" Lecturers.
In your whole university life you will at least once encounter a lecturer who is not understandable. In the sense that the lecturer delivers the lecture "syok sendiri". Well, you can't blame them actually, they gets too excited explaining something they know and they get too carried away until they forgets that we do not understand a thing. There is also those lecturer's whose English is absolutely "fantastic" X2. You really have to record and repeat a dozen time until you understand what he/she is talking about =.= In the end of the lecture, you would have been lost and you learned nothing. Conclusion number 2: Skip it!
3. Early morning class.
Well, students nowadays tend to be "night creatures". If its not 2-3am they will not sleep. Some of them would have enjoying a good game of DOTA or those with girlfriend would had just came back from "pakto". For me? I would send the whole night watching endless TVB drama I downloaded (shhhhh! copyright infringement) =.= Ok, comes to the next day. What happens is that you gets too tired for the early morning class that you wake up late! Rushing to class and you reaches your class like 10minutes late.With your condition (you haven't bath, haven't brush you teeth, haven't print you lecture notes) imagine what will happen to you in class (guys: lost impression marks to your dream girl; girls: drop you share market having such hideous conditions) plus, with your unprinted lecture notes you will listen to your lecturer chirping to you! Blur and lost in the class. End of the class, you gain nothing, learned nothing and you have to study the topic by yourself. Conclusion number 3: Change you class to 10am onwards or you skip it!
4. Lower barring requirements
When your lecturers say that you will be bared from your final exam if you have less than 50% attendance. This means that you have the privilege to skip you class up till half of your semester! Use it wisely! Great power comes with great responsibilities >.< Self study is actually applicable for those easier subjects and when your lecturer reads from the textbook without actually explaining them =.=
These are just only part of the reasons you can have to motivate you skip your class >.< I do have friends which are smart enough to study the whole syllabus himself and still score an A.
Note: These are just the way I dealt with my university life which I would like to share with everyone. Please take note that everyone is different and the way I did it may not suites you. Hope you have joyous reading!
Reasons are simple, have a look down:
1. The subject's syllabus is repeating those you took before.
Well, repeating syllabus happens most of the time especially when you are an engineering student. Every semester you would have the same old familiar content in you lecture slides. Seriously speaking, its very boring repeating those things which you have mastered in the earlier semesters. Why waste time on something that you already know? You can have studies other new things using those times. Conclusion number 1: Skip it!
2. "Fantastic" Lecturers.
In your whole university life you will at least once encounter a lecturer who is not understandable. In the sense that the lecturer delivers the lecture "syok sendiri". Well, you can't blame them actually, they gets too excited explaining something they know and they get too carried away until they forgets that we do not understand a thing. There is also those lecturer's whose English is absolutely "fantastic" X2. You really have to record and repeat a dozen time until you understand what he/she is talking about =.= In the end of the lecture, you would have been lost and you learned nothing. Conclusion number 2: Skip it!
3. Early morning class.
Well, students nowadays tend to be "night creatures". If its not 2-3am they will not sleep. Some of them would have enjoying a good game of DOTA or those with girlfriend would had just came back from "pakto". For me? I would send the whole night watching endless TVB drama I downloaded (shhhhh! copyright infringement) =.= Ok, comes to the next day. What happens is that you gets too tired for the early morning class that you wake up late! Rushing to class and you reaches your class like 10minutes late.With your condition (you haven't bath, haven't brush you teeth, haven't print you lecture notes) imagine what will happen to you in class (guys: lost impression marks to your dream girl; girls: drop you share market having such hideous conditions) plus, with your unprinted lecture notes you will listen to your lecturer chirping to you! Blur and lost in the class. End of the class, you gain nothing, learned nothing and you have to study the topic by yourself. Conclusion number 3: Change you class to 10am onwards or you skip it!
4. Lower barring requirements
When your lecturers say that you will be bared from your final exam if you have less than 50% attendance. This means that you have the privilege to skip you class up till half of your semester! Use it wisely! Great power comes with great responsibilities >.< Self study is actually applicable for those easier subjects and when your lecturer reads from the textbook without actually explaining them =.=
These are just only part of the reasons you can have to motivate you skip your class >.< I do have friends which are smart enough to study the whole syllabus himself and still score an A.
Note: These are just the way I dealt with my university life which I would like to share with everyone. Please take note that everyone is different and the way I did it may not suites you. Hope you have joyous reading!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
RM10 = RM30
Puzzled with my title? The equations doesn't sounds correct.
Check this out in e-bay:
See? My equation is valid though! haha. You can sell your RM10 note for RM30. Now lets see why the RM10 banknote worth 3 times its original value. The reason behind it lies within the serial number that the RM10 holds. If you refer to the link I attach above, you will notice that the serial number is ZA 7092186. What so special about that serial number? The point is its a "Z series" bank notes. Z series bank notes are known as a replacement note. Still puzzled?
Alright, in layman's term it means that if a bank note was found with defects it will be replaced with a Z series banknote. Example: During the production of RM10,000,000 worth of RM10 notes it found out that there are 8000 of them are with defects. Hence the 8000 notes are replaced with Z series RM10 notes. You might wonder why can't they reproduce the same series as those 8000? The problem is reproducing identical notes as the batch before is impossible.
The Z series notes only applies to RM10 only.
Check out the your RM10 series numbers. You will never know how lucky you are ^^,
Money collectors are drooling for those rare Z series of RM10 banknotes.
Check this out in e-bay:
See? My equation is valid though! haha. You can sell your RM10 note for RM30. Now lets see why the RM10 banknote worth 3 times its original value. The reason behind it lies within the serial number that the RM10 holds. If you refer to the link I attach above, you will notice that the serial number is ZA 7092186. What so special about that serial number? The point is its a "Z series" bank notes. Z series bank notes are known as a replacement note. Still puzzled?
Alright, in layman's term it means that if a bank note was found with defects it will be replaced with a Z series banknote. Example: During the production of RM10,000,000 worth of RM10 notes it found out that there are 8000 of them are with defects. Hence the 8000 notes are replaced with Z series RM10 notes. You might wonder why can't they reproduce the same series as those 8000? The problem is reproducing identical notes as the batch before is impossible.
The Z series notes only applies to RM10 only.
Check out the your RM10 series numbers. You will never know how lucky you are ^^,
Money collectors are drooling for those rare Z series of RM10 banknotes.
daily info

Sunday, September 5, 2010
How many of you actually know what DSLR stands for? I bet most of you would had just say Digital something-something lar~~~ Frankly speaking I just Google it a few minutes ago. The abbreviation of DSLR actually stands for Digital Single-Lens Reflex. Nowadays you can see people around you holding a DSLR camera. In shopping complex you see a DSLR, in a restaurant you see a DSLR, in the streets you see a DSLR, and if you go in a public toilet you can see someone carrying a DSLR bag >.<
Following the trend I bought myself a DSLR camera too. Its getting cheap nowadays compared to the earlier days. All because of new models are releasing the "older" generation are getting cheaper. At 1st I was deeply encouraged by the breathtaking pictures the DSLR produce. Well, naively speaking I told myself people can take those "hot" shots so do it. Get myself a DSLR and shot some initial shot which were way too far from those I see. Think of giving up at 1st there is so much to learn from a small gadget like that. Its wrong to say you just need to click and put it in auto. If that's the case a normal digital compact camera would do @@
If buying a DSLR ever comes into your mind I think you should hold your horses and think.
1. Budget
After you buy your 1st DSLR with thousands of ringgit the investment wont stop there. There will be lenses investments, accessories (bags, tripods, flashes), books (omitted if you learn online) and annual check-up for your DSLR. All these will make you cash go dry faster than thirsty hippo. Trust me, especially with those lenses, you will eventually feel the current lens could meet you further photography taste buds. Mind you too that there is a shutter limit for every DSLR. When the shutter limit reaches its half life it eventually wont be able to reach its optimum performance again. Again, changing it requires money!
2. Patience
Photography is an art and it cannot be studied or mastered overnight. It requires time and maturity over it. Pictures you see which are breathtaking requires a lot of practice and learning to master it. If you wan immediate results then buying DSLR wont be a good option though. Mastering DSLR requires the 3 basic things: ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. Each of them plays an important row in your "awesome" pictures. Then there is your exposure control and how you play with lights. All of these cannot be done without consistent enthusiasm and the "OHM" which push you on and on.
3. Photoshop
Great pictures is doesn't stop after you click the trigger. There is still a long process to go in you computer where you need to edit here and there with software. There is another painful experience you need to go through. Conquering the functions of DSLR is already a big headache and how about conquering pictures editing. You do need to spend some money for the editing software unless you plan to .......
Please take note that the opinions above is not directly meant for someone and if it indirectly and unfortunately hurt anyone's feeling I'm terribly sorry T.T These views were solely my view on a DSLR after owning it for sometime. Amateur opinion generally!
Following the trend I bought myself a DSLR camera too. Its getting cheap nowadays compared to the earlier days. All because of new models are releasing the "older" generation are getting cheaper. At 1st I was deeply encouraged by the breathtaking pictures the DSLR produce. Well, naively speaking I told myself people can take those "hot" shots so do it. Get myself a DSLR and shot some initial shot which were way too far from those I see. Think of giving up at 1st there is so much to learn from a small gadget like that. Its wrong to say you just need to click and put it in auto. If that's the case a normal digital compact camera would do @@
If buying a DSLR ever comes into your mind I think you should hold your horses and think.
1. Budget
After you buy your 1st DSLR with thousands of ringgit the investment wont stop there. There will be lenses investments, accessories (bags, tripods, flashes), books (omitted if you learn online) and annual check-up for your DSLR. All these will make you cash go dry faster than thirsty hippo. Trust me, especially with those lenses, you will eventually feel the current lens could meet you further photography taste buds. Mind you too that there is a shutter limit for every DSLR. When the shutter limit reaches its half life it eventually wont be able to reach its optimum performance again. Again, changing it requires money!
2. Patience
Photography is an art and it cannot be studied or mastered overnight. It requires time and maturity over it. Pictures you see which are breathtaking requires a lot of practice and learning to master it. If you wan immediate results then buying DSLR wont be a good option though. Mastering DSLR requires the 3 basic things: ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. Each of them plays an important row in your "awesome" pictures. Then there is your exposure control and how you play with lights. All of these cannot be done without consistent enthusiasm and the "OHM" which push you on and on.
3. Photoshop
Great pictures is doesn't stop after you click the trigger. There is still a long process to go in you computer where you need to edit here and there with software. There is another painful experience you need to go through. Conquering the functions of DSLR is already a big headache and how about conquering pictures editing. You do need to spend some money for the editing software unless you plan to .......
Please take note that the opinions above is not directly meant for someone and if it indirectly and unfortunately hurt anyone's feeling I'm terribly sorry T.T These views were solely my view on a DSLR after owning it for sometime. Amateur opinion generally!

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Collectibles@McDonald HappyMeal
When I was a kid i used to drag my family to McDonald. Not because of I like the food there - because I'm attracted by the collectibles there. What can you say about a kid at my age back then? Toys itself can make me very full XD
I haven't been collecting these wonderful toys or gadgets until recently.It happened to revive the "collecting" spirit when I 1st bought her a HappyMeal. Its the 1st time she is getting a HappyMeal. She like it? Of course! (Not the food that she like). These explains why I'm gaining weight now >.< (She is going to kill me when she sees this). I managed to dig a few of her collectibles here:
Will be showing all her collectibles up to date. hehe.
The latest collectible of the month:
I haven't been collecting these wonderful toys or gadgets until recently.It happened to revive the "collecting" spirit when I 1st bought her a HappyMeal. Its the 1st time she is getting a HappyMeal. She like it? Of course! (Not the food that she like). These explains why I'm gaining weight now >.< (She is going to kill me when she sees this). I managed to dig a few of her collectibles here:
one of her favorites: doraemon
Will be showing all her collectibles up to date. hehe.
The latest collectible of the month:

Korean BBQ@Daorae Korean BBQ Restaurant, Malacca
So happened to notice a new restaurant just right across the street from Dataran Pahlawan. Since she had been buzzing to go to a Korean restaurant >.< finally, instead of us going to KL for Korean food Daorae came to us (She had been telling me to go KL for Korean food, guess Daorae heard her nagging and decided to open one of its outlets in Malacca.Hahaha) Its a 3storey building. Its quite noticeable with the huge sign board showing Daorae BBQ restaurant.
The atmosphere in the restaurant must I say is really amazing. You really can see those Korean drama scenes come to live in front of your eyes~~~
We were served with Korean tea. I don't quite like the smell of it >.< but some says the tea taste wonderful. Its quite a complicated taste. hahaha (actually I lost words describing it) have to have a gulp for yourself =P
by the way, I like the bottle though!
The food there I must admit its nice. especially the Kimchi soup. I just love it! It comes with quite a number of side dishes. Eventually your whole table will be full of food @@ and you just don't know which one to start 1st. We ordered a Chicken soup with glutinous rice in it (I can't remember what its original name) and Kimchi Steamboat. There is still more in the menu list but we will just settle for these two dishes.
It reminds me of something good in Daorae. After paying our bill I noticed that they charged me for a bowl of rice which I ordered and it never came in the end. Then I told a Korean lady (I wonder if she is the owner there) that I didn't get my rice. Without further hesitation she quickly apologized profusely to me and quickly went to get a refund for me. This kind of service attitude encourages me to go for a 2nd time =) Even when we are leaving she is still saying sorry to me >.<
have a look at the interior design of the restaurant
End of the day, the price is reasonable, the settings itself is wonderful and I must say its customer service: brilliant!
The atmosphere in the restaurant must I say is really amazing. You really can see those Korean drama scenes come to live in front of your eyes~~~
We were served with Korean tea. I don't quite like the smell of it >.< but some says the tea taste wonderful. Its quite a complicated taste. hahaha (actually I lost words describing it) have to have a gulp for yourself =P
by the way, I like the bottle though!
The food there I must admit its nice. especially the Kimchi soup. I just love it! It comes with quite a number of side dishes. Eventually your whole table will be full of food @@ and you just don't know which one to start 1st. We ordered a Chicken soup with glutinous rice in it (I can't remember what its original name) and Kimchi Steamboat. There is still more in the menu list but we will just settle for these two dishes.
fancy bowl eh?hahaha
This is the Chicken soup
It reminds me of something good in Daorae. After paying our bill I noticed that they charged me for a bowl of rice which I ordered and it never came in the end. Then I told a Korean lady (I wonder if she is the owner there) that I didn't get my rice. Without further hesitation she quickly apologized profusely to me and quickly went to get a refund for me. This kind of service attitude encourages me to go for a 2nd time =) Even when we are leaving she is still saying sorry to me >.<
have a look at the interior design of the restaurant
Picture of the day!
End of the day, the price is reasonable, the settings itself is wonderful and I must say its customer service: brilliant!

Friday, September 3, 2010
my scandalous bedmate
hope he don't mind for copyright
my husky boy!
she bought this cute little husky for me. I know, boys don't usually sleeps with soft toy but i really do and most importantly I hug it every night. she bought it for me to keep me company when we are apart (don't be mistaken she don't have - she have a huge white teddy to hug with; its really huge believe me >.< ). Since then I have husky on my bed till now. Husky is still clean and smelly perfectly ok mind you XD.
you guys must have been thinking, have i lost my mind updating so many posts? actually i just finished my assignments and lab reports. hurray! have a break to share some laughter! peace everyone =)
Sushi@Sushi Boat Dataran Pahlawan, Malacca
When I go for movies in GSC Dataran Pahlawan, I always pass by this rather small sushi "stall" (its not in a shop lot by the way). The design of the stall somehow gets my attention with its boat-liked shape. Since the 1st time I notices this stall I had been telling her that we should try this sushi someday around >.< (eventually it takes us months later to have our 1st meal there)
The setting was really fascinating I must say (2nd time I'm mentioning this here XD). The traditional sushi king or even pasta zanmai they only uses the normal sushi belt to get their sushi catwalk the whole shop. Sushi boat does it in a very special way where they place them on small boats floating on a very very small moat where there is actually water in it >.<
The food there I would say its rather disappointing. Its not up to the standards of its design. Nice impression huge let off on the food. Miso soup were salty and the sushi was rather tasteless. My advise: if you would like a place to take some pictures and hi-tea I do strongly suggest Sushi Boat. If you are carving for good sushi...this is certainly not the place for it. The price is rather expensive compared to sushi king >.<
Not bad for a logo eh?
The setting was really fascinating I must say (2nd time I'm mentioning this here XD). The traditional sushi king or even pasta zanmai they only uses the normal sushi belt to get their sushi catwalk the whole shop. Sushi boat does it in a very special way where they place them on small boats floating on a very very small moat where there is actually water in it >.<
The food there I would say its rather disappointing. Its not up to the standards of its design. Nice impression huge let off on the food. Miso soup were salty and the sushi was rather tasteless. My advise: if you would like a place to take some pictures and hi-tea I do strongly suggest Sushi Boat. If you are carving for good sushi...this is certainly not the place for it. The price is rather expensive compared to sushi king >.<
Picture of the day~
See! there is water in it!
Miso soup~~~ haih.salty de

Thursday, September 2, 2010
as sweet as butter cookies
long time since we baked cookies together. i can still remember how the color differ to each other from tray to tray. We take turns watch over the oven slowly observing it because the oven is not evenly distributing its heat over the tray. Eventually, we take turns to blame one another for the over-baked cookies. I had been thought since small tat blaming is a bad ting but at tat very moment i started to think blaming could be filled with so much of laughter =)
8.0 oz of Flour
3.0 oz of Custard
0.5 oz of Corn Flour
6.0 oz of Sugar
7.0 oz of Margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg yolk
looking at these ingredients reminds me when I do the measurements. >.<
well, what can you say? Its my 1st time making measurements. kinda nervous so got to make sure everything is in the most accurate measurements. Silly she says me. looking back at the picture, at some point I do agree with her.
after measuring I found out that mixing all these ingredients together required a very simple understanding. when u mix them in clockwise direction, make sure you continues doing it clockwise till the end. If we do it at random it somehow affects the texture of it 0.o another knowledge to be mastered!
Well eating is easier than baking ^^, baking you really need a lot of patience with it. Guess tats why cookies are expensive eh? In the end of the day even though its no match to famous Amos yet its still very delicious because it consist the happy times we have in the process which I treasure.
Hope I get another laughter and joyful baking experience with her again =)
oh ya, it reminds me of something. The dogs like the cookies too~~~ XD
I can try making doggy snacks instead of engineering. Just some head-cracking thoughts when you have many many assignments and report waiting you to submit them T.T oh God!
8.0 oz of Flour
3.0 oz of Custard
0.5 oz of Corn Flour
6.0 oz of Sugar
7.0 oz of Margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 egg yolk
looking at these ingredients reminds me when I do the measurements. >.<
well, what can you say? Its my 1st time making measurements. kinda nervous so got to make sure everything is in the most accurate measurements. Silly she says me. looking back at the picture, at some point I do agree with her.
after measuring I found out that mixing all these ingredients together required a very simple understanding. when u mix them in clockwise direction, make sure you continues doing it clockwise till the end. If we do it at random it somehow affects the texture of it 0.o another knowledge to be mastered!
Well eating is easier than baking ^^, baking you really need a lot of patience with it. Guess tats why cookies are expensive eh? In the end of the day even though its no match to famous Amos yet its still very delicious because it consist the happy times we have in the process which I treasure.
Hope I get another laughter and joyful baking experience with her again =)
oh ya, it reminds me of something. The dogs like the cookies too~~~ XD
I can try making doggy snacks instead of engineering. Just some head-cracking thoughts when you have many many assignments and report waiting you to submit them T.T oh God!

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